ABOUT SHIELD TESTINGHow do I access my results or my child's results? Select the link on the menu on the right "My Test Results". If this is your first time checking results you will need to change your password before you can login. Select Forgot Username/Password. You will be prompted to provide patient information. Your username is the email you provided when completing the consent form. If you are unable to access your account and this is your first time logging in the lab may not have processed your results. If you are still having issues, please contact us at [email protected] and we will respond as quickly as possible. For a faster response you may wish to contact your COVID Testing Administrator at your school. How do I access my results as an adult? Click here for instructions. FEDERAL & STATE MANDATESHow does a school determine exclusion from school for symptomatic individuals or close contacts to a positive case? Schools are required to follow the edicts from the Governor, Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Department of Public Health, and Local Health Department. The schools now rely on the September 29, 2021 document, COVID-19 INTERIM EXCLUSION GUIDANCE FOR SCHOOLS (AKA Decision Tree). LOCAL CONTROL of SCHOOLSWho makes the decisions for schools with issues relating to COVID? Schools are required to follow the edicts from the Governor, Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Department of Public Health, and Local Health Department. You may notice that the school board is not listed in the governing bodies addressing schools. The highest authority, without legislative actions to define limits of Executive Orders under declared Emergencies, begins with Illinois Governor's Executive Orders declared under emergency. Under the authority of the executive order, the Illinois State Board of Education has passed emergency rules. The Illinois Department of Public Health also has rule making authority. Together, the Illinois State Board of Education and Illinois Department of Public Health have published Guidance and FAQs for schools to follow. If Guidance Documents are non-regulatory (not supported by laws), why do schools have to follow them? Over the years both federal and state agencies have published guidance documents to help schools. For the last 20 years these guidance documents have been stretched to become mandates. Because executive orders continue to provide authority to ISBE and IDPH AND because schools have not been relieved of liability, like hospitals, schools are not protected legally. This means that schools (tax payers) will have to pay for any lawsuit defense by the school out of increased property taxes. In Illinois we have seen law suits and damages ranging from tens of thousands to millions of dollars from a variety of legal issues. Comments are closed.